Barton Reading & Spelling
Brande Deuel
School: (507)776-2775 x3913
Hi Everyone!
My name is Brande Deuel and this is my second year teaching with Truman Schools. I graduated with a bachelors degree from UNLV in 2008. I am currently working with the 7th and 8th graders in the Special Education Department as well as doing the Barton Reading and Spelling Program for students with dyslexia. I was born and raised in Las Vegas, NV and have only lived in Truman now for just over a year. I have three children two boys and one girl. I love doing hands on projects, like remodeling my home, gardening, and party planning. As a family we like to do anything outdoors. We love camping and traveling. I look forward to working with new students each year and watching them grow.
Please feel free to contact me anytime!
E-Learning Day Procedures
E-learning days are school days that are done in the home setting when in person learning is not an option for the day. Schoolwork is still required for these days. If for any reason the school has an E-learning day all students in my classes are responsible for logging onto their Google classroom and checking for their work there. Each class will have the assignments posted and students are required to hit submit when they are finished. All students are reminded daily to take home their Chromebooks and chargers, so they should have access to do the assigned work without any problems. If for some reason they don't have their Chromebook, google classroom can be accessed by desktop computer or phone. I will be available for full school hours on these days via email. If at any time you or your child need to reach me or are having a problem with something please send me an email and I will get back to you immediately. These assignments will be graded and counted as missing if they choose not to complete them.