Food Service

FREE LUNCH for the 2024-25 School Year

The Minnesota Department of Education announced the the Minnesota Legislature also signed by Gov. Waltz that all students in grades K-12 will have FREE Breakfast and Lunch starting with the 2023-24 school year.  **Families will still need to fill out the lunch application for the district as in the past as this document covered more areas than just lunch for the district.**   

Note: If you have a balance due on our lunch accounts.  

Please pay this by the end of the school year or contact the school to make arrangements for a payment plan.  Thank you. 

Click on the link to view the Monthly Menu.

Either fruit or juice and milk is included with each breakfast

Milk is included with each lunch

Menu subject to change due to availability or weather conditions

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer

1 Lunch and 1 Breakfast including the minimum components for a meal will be free to each student on in - person school days. 

Students that bring a lunch will be required to pay for milk, unless the child, in addition to their home lunch takes fruit and vegetables and milk.  The 3 selections would then be free for each of the meals. 

Adults and Adult visitors to the school will be required to pay $5.00 per lunch.  Visiting student lunches will be free