
Truman Public School District 

The Truman Public School  is a  small school in southern Minnesota serving approximately 250 students from age 3 to 12th grade. We have 25 licensed teaching staff, administration and nursing services as well as approximately 25 non-licensed staff working in various capacities including clerical, paraprofessional, kitchen and custodial.

Our school houses one (1) section of each Kindergarten through 6th grade. We have our own high school and work with 6 different colleges for PSEO courses along with neighboring Fairmont school district for additional elective course offerings for students in grades 9-12.   Diplomas are granted from the Truman Public School.  We offer Title I services to students in grades K-12.  We also offer specialized programming as described below.

Truman Public School has an independent Special Education program that is staffed within the district.  There are currently 4 licensed K-12 special education teachers.  We also have an ECSE teacher who is licensed B-12.  We work with students that have a variety of needs and are able to offer extra services in the form of DAPE, developmental and adaptive PE long with all of the state required programs.  These programs include:  Developmental Delay (0-6), Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Learning Disability, Emotional, Behavior Disability, and Developmental Cognitive Delay Disability.  We have a teacher specifically designated for level three (3) behavior services if needed for upper level elementary and high school.  We offer services in Speech and Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy.  We have contracts with the Mayo Health System, Mankato, Minnesota and Minnesota State University, Mankato for services. The district if needed can access services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing from the Riverbend Educational District, New Ulm, Mn. and also work with specialists from the South Central Cooperative and the Minnesota Department of Education for students with Traumatic Brain Injury.  We have a licensed school psychologist that does all of the intellectual testing for our evaluations.   She is also able to offer parents assessment indicators for possible ADHD, depression, anxiety and autism disorder.  Our staff has a vast array of experience in all of these areas.

Our Early Learning Wing boasts a daycare program for children age 6 weeks to 12 years and holds both a center based school age license and a family based license for those children under school age.  The district offers a 3-year-old pre-school program that offers many scholarships so all can attend regardless of income. The district also coordinates and offers a 4-year-old pre-school program that was chosen by the state to be funded through Voluntary Pre-school state funds and is a 4 STAR parent aware program as recognized by the Minnesota Department of Education.  This is offered at no charge to families. 

 Truman Public School has a fully staffed Early Childhood Special Education team consisting of the teacher who is also licensed in LD and ASD, a speech pathologist, as well as OT/PT specialists that work together to provide assessments and instructional programming for children birth to 6 years old.  Children are referred to the program through parental requests, human services organizations and/or medical facilities.  Lastly the Early Learning Wing offers Early Childhood Family Education services.  Families that participate have weekly evening sessions with a parent/child educator and the children get additional time and are brought for 3 hours per week during the day for socialization. 

Our district also has a designated Federal 504 administrator and Licensed School Nurse, (RN) available to provide medical and academic accommodations that do not require an official IEP.  Our district is also one of a few in the state granted funding for an Alternative Delivery Student Intervention System (ADSIS) program.  This program allows for students that are not officially in a special education program but need extra help to work with special education staff and have paraprofessional support if applicable in order to make gains without an official IEP. We are very prepared to work with a variety of specialized student needs along with having a regular education program for students in grades K-12.

JAGUAR  Sports

If no announcements are listed,  please be sure and check the following two calendars for additional information.  See below for links

NOTE:    Sign up on the "Valley Conference" link below to get INSTANT notifications of changes in the sports schedule to your phone by text or e-mail!  

Click on the link and look to the calendar on the right, under the calendar  click "NOTIFY ME" and  fill in all of your information. IT IS THAT EASY!  

Call Lisa Shellum for more information if needed. 507-776-2111

Calendar #1 - Local Activities Calendar - Truman Public School

Click link below

Calendar #2 - Sports: Valley Conference Activities Schedule - GHEC/ML/T

Click link below

Special Announcements regarding Sports (when applicable)


LUNCH DOUBLES:  Ala Carte or Doubles need to be in to the Kitchen BEFORE 10:00 each day to reserve a meal change.  The cost is $1.50

KINDERGARTEN BREAKFAST:  Breakfast is free for all kindergarten students.

FEDERAL LUNCH GUIDELINES:  Fruit or juice is served daily with each breakfast.  Bread and milk are included with each lunch.  Extra fruit and vegetables served daily.   Federal and State Dietary regulations require that Food Service are REQUIRED to serve each student 1/2 cup of fruit and 1/2 cup of vegetables daily.  Students that bring a lunch are also able to get vegetables and fruits and milk as part of the Truman food and nutrition service at no cost.  If you child is bringing a lunch and only taking milk, this must be paid for.  



Truman School Reminders

1. PICKING UP STUDENTS: A reminder that ALL students being picked up for appointments by parents must be picked up and signed out at the main office.  A phone call or note to the office is necessary before the appointment

2.  CELL PHONE POLICY:  Truman Schools policy regarding cell phones calls for the phone to either be : 1. placed in a holder in the teacher's classroom, or 2. kept put away and out of view and use.  Violation of these expectation will result in the phone being taken and brought to the office.

3. GROCERY RECEIPT COLLECTIONS:  We are collecting Hy-Vee and Fairway grocery receipts as a fundraiser for the school. If you would like to donate them please send or drop them off in the office.  Box Tops has changed their format and is completed electronically so you no longer have to clip them!  See a qualifying product for details on the packaging.

4. TOUR THE SCHOOL:  Truman Public school invites you to come and take a tour of the school, please call 776-2111 to arrange a visit.

5. HOMEWORK HELP: Starting  at 3:05 PM-4:00 PM.  It will be held in the School Board and computer lab rooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  There will be time for reading, finishing homework, or computer times. 

High School Reminders

1. SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION: A reminder to male students that they must register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. It is the law.

2.  Closed Campus During NOON hour - Truman Public School has a closed campus during noon for liability reasons.   Students should not be leaving school grounds during this time.


Reminder to all high school students: please check your school email and visit the bulletin board outside of the office for any scholarships and scholastic opportunities.