
Publications & Forms

Annual Lead Testing Data TPS 2024-25

TPS Non-Discrimination Statement:

Truman School District, #458, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability in its programs and activities.

The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding district non-discrimination policies:

Discrimination complaints for K-12 and Special Education students:

Lisa Shellum – Superintendent/Principal/Special Education Director, 401 East 1st Street South, Truman, MN  56088  Office phone:  507-776-2111,

Title IX : Kayla Anderson, Athletic Director/Dean of Students, 401 East 1st Street South, Truman, MN 56088, Office phone: 507-776-2111,

Vocational Opportunities Annual Notification

Truman Public School District offers a variety of vocational opportunities through the Business Education and Industrial Technology Departments.  The purpose of this notice is to inform students, parents, employees and the general public that these opportunities are offered regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.  Admission in the specific courses is determined by grade level, and in some cases, completion of prerequisite courses.  Current coursework includes: Landscaping, Woods I, Welding I, Exploring Agriculture, Small Engines, Natural Resources, Accounting I/II, Business Law I/II, Video Production, Game Production, Computer Science, and Finance.  The district has designated the following individuals to coordinate compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. 

Special Education DirectorLisa Shellum – Superintendent/Principal/Special Education Director, 401 East 1st Street South, Truman, MN  56088  Office phone:  507-776-2111,

Title IX Coordinator: Kayla Anderson – K-12 Dean of Students/Athletic Director, 401 East 1st Street South, Truman, MN 56088, Office phone: 507-776-2111,

PSEO Information: site 

Accuplacer/ACT/SAT: Students with a disability may qualify for accommodations for college entrance exams, such as ACT/SAT.  For details, talk to the testing coordinator, Deb Sherman at 507-776-2111, or visit the following websites:;;
